A pirate ship jammed with treasure. The worst storm to ever hit Cape Cod. The mythical shipwreck — 280 years later, found. Everything in this swashbuckling tale (full of impossible things that really did happen) occurred because of Maria Hallett. Did she turn witch, to curse her lover’s ship, or to save it? Join us on location at Real Pirates Museum in Salem, MA. Stephanie Clements is a Cape Cod native and guide at Real …

THE ADVENTURERS The Wilmot Sisters

How did two ordinary 18th century Anglo-Irish sisters end up gallivanting around the European continent, fraternizing with all the most radical and revolutionary minds of the Enlightenment, and becoming BFFs with a Russian Princess? Guest Alexis Wolf introduces Olivia to the astonishing lives of Katherine and Martha Wilmot. Alexis Wolf is a writer and researcher with an expertise on women’s lives in the 18th and 19th centuries. She earned her PhD from Birkbeck, University of London …


When Sigrid Schultz was offered a job as a reporter in Berlin, Germany in 1919, she had no idea how her life was about to change – or how her work would change the world. Returning guest Pamela Toler introduces us to this indomitable woman, who was one of the first to raise the alarm about the Nazis, one of the last to leave as WWII made reporting impossible, and the first woman in history …

BONUS EPISODE: A Night of Celebration LIVE

What’sHerName goes LIVE! To launch our new book, What’s Her Name, A History of the World in 80 Lost Women, former episode guests convene in London from all over the world for a Night of Celebration! In rapid-fire succession, brilliant 3-minute performances of poetry, song, story, and dance take us chronologically through the history of the world. The magic is punctuated throughout with short readings from the new book by Katie and Olivia. The packed …


A charming Indonesian orphan danced her way to fame and fortune… except literally everything about Mata Hari was a lie. She said she wanted to live like a butterfly in the sun. So in the end, could she really have been guilty of espionage? Katie takes us to Leiden to marvel at the incredible life of Mata Hari. Listen to Frank Turner‘s beautiful song about Mata Hari, “Eye of the Day,” here. Josine Heijnen holds …

THE VOYAGER Hannah Masury Howe

In 1867, a ship bound for California with 400 Chinese passengers signalled distress as it drifted in the Pacific Ocean. The ship’s captain was a woman, and her mutinous crew had refused to sail the ship even though they were running out of water. How did Captain Hannah Masury Howe come to be in such a predicament, and how could she possibly save herself and the ship? Our guest for this real-life high seas adventure …


In 1931, a young American aspiring writer set off for what she thought would be a one-year adventure in China. Hoping to gain life experience so she could eventually write the Great American Novel – Helen Foster Snow would instead become famous as the “Voice of China” to the west, and improve the lives of millions of people in the process. Olivia talks with Helen’s great-nephew Adam Foster, and Helen’s friend and translator Professor An …


Come with us to peak Gilded Age America! We’ll watch a charmingly unconventional love story unfold, cure yellow fever, stare at some incredible wallpaper, and explore fascinating reasons why women should NOT vote. Katie takes us on location to Ethel Gibson Allen’s Boston mansion, now the Gibson House Museum. Learn more about Ethel Gibson Allen and the Gibson House museum here. Find resources about the anti-suffrage movement in the US at the Library of Congress …

THE MONGOL KHATUN Genghis Khan’s Daughters

Without the daughters of Genghis Khan, there would have been no Mongol Empire. Four women ruled over North, South, East, and West, in what would become the largest land empire in the history of the world. It’s a story you’ve never heard, because the sisters were literally cut out of the Mongol records. Join us with eminent Mongol scholar Jack Weatherford, who went searching for the missing story… and found it. illustrations of the Khatun …

THE QUEEN OF HAITI Marie-Louise Christophe

Say you join a revolution in the name of liberty and equality – then someone hands you a crown. Could you do more good with that power? Or will everything fall apart? Come with us to Haiti and across Europe in the twisty-turny tale of the Queen of Haiti, Marie-Louise Christophe. Katie’s guest is Vanessa Riley, author of Queen of Exiles.   To learn more about the sound recordings by anthropologist Alan Lomax, check out …