About Us

Olivia (L) and Katie (R) with Cerys Matthews on BBC Radio 6

What’sHerName Podcast puts the women back in World History. Produced by academic sisters Dr. Katie Nelson and Olivia Meikle, What’sHerName tells the stories of fascinating women you’ve never heard of (but should have). We take interviews with expert guests and weave a vivid story, to bring to life the “lost” women of history.

Fascinating and funny, thought-provoking and insightful. Academically rigorous without being snobby, pedantic or boring. 

Our intern Catie Boucher creates transcripts of episodes for use in schools. 

View our press kit/sponsor kit or get more information here.

Katie Nelson is a World Historian with a PhD in History from the University of Warwick. She’s been teaching World History, Study Abroad, and The Meaning of Life (yep, it’s a class) at Weber State University for 15 years. After diving into local history as Executive Director of the Weber County Heritage Foundation, she now mostly writes, leads tours, and podcasts full-time. Katie loves trying ALL the foods. She lives in a wild west Victorian cottage with her family and their Zen master, a rescue schnauzer.

Reach her at Katie[at]whatshernamepodcast.com

Olivia Meikle teaches Women’s & Gender Studies at Naropa University. She’s also a writer, a Historic Ghost Tour guide, and the creator of Around the World in 80 Diapers, a website empowering parents to travel internationally with their kids. She has an MA in English Literature and Women’s & Gender Studies from the University of Colorado, and lives in Boulder with her husband and three grown-or-nearly-grown children.

Reach her at Olivia[at]whatshernamepodcast.com

We are also the authors of: A History of the World in 80 Lost Women, The Book of Sisters, and A Stinky History of Toilets.