She lived through the worst century in human history: the Black Death, famine, war, death and despair. So it was all the more surprising when Julian of Norwich rose from her deathbed saying she’d received a vision from God: All shall be well. How could that be true when the whole world seems to be falling apart?
Travel with us to 14th century England, to visit famed mystic Julian of Norwich. I know it sounds crazy, she says, but trust me: everything is love.
Fancy a Julian of Norwich mug reminding you that All Shall Be Well? The What’sHerName Shop is open!
Simon Critchley has written over twenty books, including studies of Greek tragedy, David Bowie, football, suicide, Shakespeare, and how philosophers die, as well as a novella. He is the Hans Jonas Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research in New York and a Director of the Onassis Foundation. As co-editor of The Stone at The New York Times, Critchley showed that philosophy plays a vital role in the public realm.
Music featured in this episode included:
St. Stanislav Girl’s Choir singing compositions by Hildegard of Bingen
plus additional music by Doug Maxwell, Jesse Gallagher, and Jimena Contreras