used by permission
What if you got to witness the birth of the American Revolution personally? If you got to hear the founding fathers debating liberty, rights, and the pursuit of happiness around the dining table? Eve heard and saw it all…because she was enslaved by one of the founding fathers. Eve kept her ears open, her eyes down, and then, she made her move. Join Katie on location in Williamsburg, Virginia for the astonishing story of Eve, GONE TO THE ENEMY.
You can take an amazing virtual tour of the entire site complete with re-enactors!
Silhouette of Eve created for us by Mera MacKendrick. Used by permission.
by Mera MacKendrick
used by permission, all rights reserved
photo by Mariia Volkanova
photo by Mariia Volkanova
photo by Mariia Volkanova

photo by Mariia Volkanova
Julie Richter received her Ph.D. in American History from the College of William & Mary in 1992. Richter has worked as a Historian for the Historical Research and Architectural Research Departments at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation in addition to working as the Project Manager for Virtual Jamestown. She teaches courses on colonial and Revolutionary Williamsburg as part of the National Institute of American History and Democracy. Richter’s interest in studying historic sites can be seen in her work as the Project Manager for the American Colonial Experiences, a forthcoming National Park Service website that links colonial history with the places where it happened. She is a consultant for “‘Full of Slime and Filth’: A Historical and Geologic Analysis of The Link between Water Quality and Death in Early America,” and has received two NEH Fellowships in African and African American History and Culture from the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.
Music featured in this episode included:
“Blew Cap”
Episode 83 Eve
“Ye Ancients March”
Episode 83 Eve
“North and South”
Episode 83 Eve
Episode 83 Eve
“March of the Mind”
Episode 83 Eve
Episode 83 Eve
“I am a Man Who Will Fight For Your Honor”
Episode 83 Eve
“I’ll Fly Away”
Episode 83 Eve
“I Got My Ticket”
Episode 83 Eve
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