When Clara Ford – a poor, Black, cross-dressing, pipe smoking, single mother – was arrested for the murder of dashing, young, white Frank Westwood, nobody expected her to avoid the noose. So how did this unexpected heroine talk her way out of the death sentence – even after she confessed?
Olivia takes us to 19th century Toronto for a wild True Crime adventure with Carolyn Whitzman, author of the fascinating new book Clara at the Door With a Revolver. Join us as we uncover the truth (or do we?) of this unexpected and unbelievable trial.
Carolyn Whitzman is a writer and housing policy researcher who lives in Ottawa. She is the author of Clara at the Door With a Revolver and four other books, including Suburb, Slum, Urban Village: Transformations in Parkdale, Toronto 1875–2000.
Music featured in this episode included
“Argonne,” “Leaning On the Everlasting Arms,” “The Colonel,” and “In the Sweet By and By” by Zachariah Hickman
“The Cascades,” “Darktown Strutter’s Ball,” and “Swipesy’s Cakewalk” performed by E’s Jammy Jams
“You Naughty, Naughty Men” from The Black Crook, performed by Libby Dees and Adam Roberts.
“Negro Laughing Song” by George W. Johnson
“The Ratcatcher’s Daughter” by John Thorne
“Maple Leaf Rag” performed by Vess Ossman