THE SUN QUEEN Maria Telkes

Her pioneering work on solar heat and solar energy would change science forever – but it was her passionate dedication to humanity that made her a true visionary. Meet the remarkable Maria Telkes, subject of the amazing American Experience documentary The Sun Queen with Olivia’s guests, Writer/Producer Gene Tempest and Director Amanda Pollack. You can watch The Sun Queen from The American Experience here, or you can find the trailer here. You can read more …


Her story was long consigned to legend and fantasy. An Irish pirate queen who commanded a fleet of ships from Spain to Scotland… in the 1500s?! Not likely. But in the 1990s, historian Anne Chambers found a trove of documents in a dusty old chest at Westport House, and the tales of Grace O’Malley were proven to be marvelously, fantastically, true. Join Katie on location at Westport House in Ireland for a swashbuckling tale like …

THE WARDEN Maria van Nispen

We often hear about history’s various Golden Ages, but what about when good times were over? Maria van Nispen, a bricklayer’s daughter, came of age during the Dutch “Disaster Year,” 1672. Justice, stability, even the Republic itself seemed lost. If you can’t change the world, change yourself… Travel with Katie to Leiden archives to unearth this remarkable tale with guest Susan Suer. Check out this 360 view of the Leiden Prison today. Susan Suèr is …

A COUNTRY HOUSE CHRISTMAS Phyllis Sandeman: 2022 Christmas Special

The darkest time of year inspires us all to reflect on the meaning and power of Home. Experience Christmas in a grand country house through the eyes of an Edwardian child in this charming reading of Phyllis Elinor Sandeman’s memoir, A Country House Christmas. Performed by returning favorite guest Jay Stelling. For a “virtual visit” to Sandeman’s home, explore this fun collection of artifacts from Lyme Park at the National Trust.   Jay Stelling is …

THE BRIDGE Brigid of Kildare

St. Brigid tended an eternal flame in Kildare, Ireland, while caring for people, animals, and the earth. And though she lived 1500 years ago, her story is seeing a huge resurgence in the 21st century. Come on location with Katie to the Solas Bhride Centre in Kildare to meet Brigidine nun, Sister Rita Minehan. We promise a balm for your weary soul!   Here’s a great tutorial video on how to create your own Saint …

THE NURSE Mary Seacole

What would it look like to live a life without fear? Mary Seacole’s story may hold the answer! She spent her life rushing from one catastrophe to the next, doing anything she could to ease human suffering – without a single thought for her own safety. From disease-infested Panamanian goldmines to the horrific battlefield hospitals of Crimea – Mary spent her life being “relentlessly useful” …but how on earth did she do it? Olivia interviews …


The most prolific poisoner of all time couldn’t possibly have been a woman. Right??! Goeie Mie, “Good Maria,” was such a selfless and kindly nurse that desperate folks in 19th-century Leiden called her when they were sick, knowing she’d come even if they couldn’t pay. But they got worse…and worse, and usually died in misery. Goeie Mie had life insurance on all of them. Travel on location to Leiden, The Netherlands with Katie in this …


The richest, most famous person you’ve never heard of is Harriot Mellon. An icon of the stage in Regency England, she rose from abject poverty and abuse to become the wealthiest woman in the country. More surprising still: she was the sweetest, most wholesome soul you’ll ever meet. Katie interviews renowned historian Ian Mortimer.   Explore the British Museum’s vast collection of objects related to Harriot Mellon here. Read the full two volumes of Harriot …

THE CARPENTER Elizabeth Gregory

When Sir Christopher Wren was tasked with redesigning Westminster Abbey in 1697, his extravagant vision was brought to life by the Abbey’s Head Carpenter Elizabeth Gregory. In an era when men ruled supreme, this remarkable woman oversaw every one of the hundreds of carpenters working for the Abbey for over fifteen years. Discover the mysterious life of Elizabeth Gregory, as Olivia takes us on-location to Westminster Abbey  with Community Engagement Officer Aaron Paterson. A complete …


Luisa Spagnoli overcame childhood poverty – and the infamously misogynistic fascism of Mussolini’s Italy – to become one of the most famous and influential chocolatiers (and fashion designers!) in European history. But how did she do it?! Olivia interviews Dr. Diana Garvin, author of Feeding Fascism. A complete transcript of this episode is available here.   Diana Garvin is an Assistant Professor of Italian at the University of Oregon.  Her first book, Feeding Fascism: The Politics of Women’s Food …